The interior of a restaurant in Chokhatauri, somewhere in Georgian no-man’s land. Meticulously set tables, brightly painted walls: a sanctuary of order in an otherwise ramshackle building. But there are no guests. BAKHMARO conveys the lethargy of standstill. A tattered campaign poster caricatures the election promises it contains, a passing politician refuses to be held accountable for the locals’ problems. Salomé Jashi observes hopelessness in lengthy, slow shots: a microcosm apparently sealed-off from the outside world ultimately proves to be nothing less than the harsh reality of Georgia.
The interior of a restaurant in Chokhatauri, somewhere in Georgian no-man’s land. Meticulously set tables, brightly painted walls: a sanctuary of order in an otherwise ramshackle building. But there are no guests. BAKHMARO conveys the lethargy of standstill. A tattered campaign poster caricatures the election promises it contains, a passing politician refuses to be held accountable for the locals’ problems. Salomé Jashi observes hopelessness in lengthy, slow shots: a microcosm apparently sealed-off from the outside world ultimately proves to be nothing less than the harsh reality of Georgia.