“This is my house. I cannot tell exactly where it is, in which place of the world. I just know that this house is mine. A lot of people have been living in my house. Some just entered and left it, some have been staying longer. A few of them still live there. Sometimes it is very cold in my house. I would really like to know how many people are here. But that is difficult – they often wander about from one room into another. Sometimes, they just leave for a short while, too. Sometimes, we all eat. But never together. Often, people change the room they occupy. Too often, in my view. I cannot count them. But there is still time enough to find out who lives here.” Š.B.
“This is my house. I cannot tell exactly where it is, in which place of the world. I just know that this house is mine. A lot of people have been living in my house. Some just entered and left it, some have been staying longer. A few of them still live there. Sometimes it is very cold in my house. I would really like to know how many people are here. But that is difficult – they often wander about from one room into another. Sometimes, they just leave for a short while, too. Sometimes, we all eat. But never together. Often, people change the room they occupy. Too often, in my view. I cannot count them. But there is still time enough to find out who lives here.” Š.B.