Based on his personal memories, Norštein’s animation film recapitulates the tragedies of the twentieth century. The wolf alluded to in the lullaby becomes the keeper of the past, defends himself against the evil role traditionally ascribed to his species. Norštein struggled for years to get his film past the censors. When their search for concealed messages proved futile, they eventually prohibited the original title (“A Small Grey Wolf Will Come”). Among specialists, the film enjoys the reputation of being the “Best Animation Film of All Time”.
Based on his personal memories, Norštein’s animation film recapitulates the tragedies of the twentieth century. The wolf alluded to in the lullaby becomes the keeper of the past, defends himself against the evil role traditionally ascribed to his species. Norštein struggled for years to get his film past the censors. When their search for concealed messages proved futile, they eventually prohibited the original title (“A Small Grey Wolf Will Come”). Among specialists, the film enjoys the reputation of being the “Best Animation Film of All Time”.