The film is titled after its main figure, a 30-year old average Romanian woman, who dreams of making her fortune in Italy. Bobby Păunescu’s unsparing and relentless depiction shows a young woman with no great illusions who accepts the gradual erosion of dignity in her everyday life more or less with a shrug of the shoulders. The thriller-like charged atmosphere suggests from the outset that the end will be bad, and in fact the avalanche of malheur is already in full swing when the film starts. Francesca’s boyfriend Mita has borrowed cash from people it’s wiser not to negotiate with. But might things have turned out even worse?
The film is titled after its main figure, a 30-year old average Romanian woman, who dreams of making her fortune in Italy. Bobby Păunescu’s unsparing and relentless depiction shows a young woman with no great illusions who accepts the gradual erosion of dignity in her everyday life more or less with a shrug of the shoulders. The thriller-like charged atmosphere suggests from the outset that the end will be bad, and in fact the avalanche of malheur is already in full swing when the film starts. Francesca’s boyfriend Mita has borrowed cash from people it’s wiser not to negotiate with. But might things have turned out even worse?