An old woman washes her laundry in a river. The cartoon remembers our grandmother’s generation; they had to clean their laundry without the aid of washing machines. Michael Uhrín has been studying animation at the VŠMU since 1998. AKO SA KEDYSI PRALO A MOŽNO AJ BUDE PRAT’ is his first animation film.
Ako sa kedysi pralo a možno aj bude prat' / Wenn sie die Wäsche gewaschen haben und wie sie es vielleicht tun werden
SVK 2001 / 2 min
An old woman washes her laundry in a river. The cartoon remembers our grandmother’s generation; they had to clean their laundry without the aid of washing machines. Michael Uhrín has been studying animation at the VŠMU since 1998. AKO SA KEDYSI PRALO A MOŽNO AJ BUDE PRAT’ is his first animation film.