
3sat presents:

Nowhere in Europe - Four refugees, one journey. An episodic film about four Chechens fleeing a brutal, forgotten war. They sit in bleak homes or council housing. No work permit, no freedom of movement, no language courses. Waiting. That's what the life of an asylum seeker looks like in Poland, Austria, Germany and Russia. Using the examples of four families the film shows the effects that European and Russian refugee policies and legislation have on people. At the same time, it shows the refugees' efforts to keep their identity and sustain their hope of a return to a more normal life.

DEU, POL 2009 / 98 min
Director: Kerstin Nickig
  • Screenplay: Kerstin Nickig
  • Cinematographer: Piotr Rosolowski,AndrĂ© Frenzel,Jakub Bejnarowicz
  • Producer: Michael Truckenbrodt,Marcin Wierzchoslawski,Jacek Kucharski
  • Production Company: time prints - Germany,Metro Films - Poland
  • Co-Production Company: ZDF/3sat - Germany,TVP S.A. - Poland

3sat presents:

Nowhere in Europe - Four refugees, one journey. An episodic film about four Chechens fleeing a brutal, forgotten war. They sit in bleak homes or council housing. No work permit, no freedom of movement, no language courses. Waiting. That's what the life of an asylum seeker looks like in Poland, Austria, Germany and Russia. Using the examples of four families the film shows the effects that European and Russian refugee policies and legislation have on people. At the same time, it shows the refugees' efforts to keep their identity and sustain their hope of a return to a more normal life.

  • Screenplay: Kerstin Nickig
  • Cinematographer: Piotr Rosolowski,AndrĂ© Frenzel,Jakub Bejnarowicz
  • Producer: Michael Truckenbrodt,Marcin Wierzchoslawski,Jacek Kucharski
  • Production Company: time prints - Germany,Metro Films - Poland
  • Co-Production Company: ZDF/3sat - Germany,TVP S.A. - Poland