
A courtyard in Tbilisi, surrounded by buildings in various states of disrepair. The residents spend their time here engaged in conversation or playing backgammon and cards. When investors offer to buy the houses, the whole neighbourhood rejoices. Paterfamilias Gia is the only one who refuses the deal, to the great discontent of the others, as the investors have made it clear that it’s all or nothing. With a comic bent and a pinch of tragedy, NEIGHBORS dissects a social microcosm characterised by absurd relationships, economic coercion and macho posturing.
GEO, MKD 2018 / 94 min
Language: Georgian
Director: Gigisha Abashidze
  • Screenplay: Gigisha Abashidze
  • Cast: Tornike Gogrichiani, Ia Sukhitashvili, Nino Koridze, Temur Chichinadze, Natalia Kuloshvili, Eka Mzhavandze, George Bochorishvili
  • Producer: Lasha Khalvashi, Tinatin Kajrishvili
  • Production Company: Artizm
  • Co-Production Company: Small Moves Films
A courtyard in Tbilisi, surrounded by buildings in various states of disrepair. The residents spend their time here engaged in conversation or playing backgammon and cards. When investors offer to buy the houses, the whole neighbourhood rejoices. Paterfamilias Gia is the only one who refuses the deal, to the great discontent of the others, as the investors have made it clear that it’s all or nothing. With a comic bent and a pinch of tragedy, NEIGHBORS dissects a social microcosm characterised by absurd relationships, economic coercion and macho posturing.
  • Screenplay: Gigisha Abashidze
  • Cast: Tornike Gogrichiani, Ia Sukhitashvili, Nino Koridze, Temur Chichinadze, Natalia Kuloshvili, Eka Mzhavandze, George Bochorishvili
  • Producer: Lasha Khalvashi, Tinatin Kajrishvili
  • Production Company: Artizm
  • Co-Production Company: Small Moves Films