Following his wife’s death, an unemployed engineer embarks with his son on a journey across the vast expanses of Russia and the Ukraine. The destination of their trek is the town of Koktebel on the Black Sea. The two stay afloat en route by taking odd jobs. They find temporary refuge with a Pushkin-quoting eccentric, at least until their irate host fires on (and manages to wound) the engineer during an argument. Father and son flee, eventually finding shelter with the down-to-earth doctor Xenia. When the father falls for her and resolves to stay, his son sets out on his own in secret to finally see the sea...
Following his wife’s death, an unemployed engineer embarks with his son on a journey across the vast expanses of Russia and the Ukraine. The destination of their trek is the town of Koktebel on the Black Sea. The two stay afloat en route by taking odd jobs. They find temporary refuge with a Pushkin-quoting eccentric, at least until their irate host fires on (and manages to wound) the engineer during an argument. Father and son flee, eventually finding shelter with the down-to-earth doctor Xenia. When the father falls for her and resolves to stay, his son sets out on his own in secret to finally see the sea...