
Hungary, 1890. A group of peasants working on a country estate go on strike. The administrator refuses to consider their demands and tries to bribe them with grain. When the peasants refuse his offer, he sets the crops on fire – thus signing his own death sentence. A succession of authorities come to the estate in order to quash the uprising. But the rebels continue to demand their rights. With precisely choreographed crowd scenes, traditional songs, and powerful symbolic imagery, Jancsó stages his film, which is loosely based on the 19th-century Hungarian revolutionary movements, as a poetic parable.
HUN 1971 / 87 min
Director: Miklós Jancsó
  • Screenplay: Gyula Hernádi
  • Cinematographer: János Kende
  • Editor: Zoltán Farkas
  • Music: Ferenc Sebõ,Tamás Cseh
  • Cast: Andrea Drahota,Lajos Balázsovits,András Bálint
  • Producer: Szilárd Újhelyi
  • Production Company: Mafilm - Hungary
Hungary, 1890. A group of peasants working on a country estate go on strike. The administrator refuses to consider their demands and tries to bribe them with grain. When the peasants refuse his offer, he sets the crops on fire – thus signing his own death sentence. A succession of authorities come to the estate in order to quash the uprising. But the rebels continue to demand their rights. With precisely choreographed crowd scenes, traditional songs, and powerful symbolic imagery, Jancsó stages his film, which is loosely based on the 19th-century Hungarian revolutionary movements, as a poetic parable.
  • Screenplay: Gyula Hernádi
  • Cinematographer: János Kende
  • Editor: Zoltán Farkas
  • Music: Ferenc Sebõ,Tamás Cseh
  • Cast: Andrea Drahota,Lajos Balázsovits,András Bálint
  • Producer: Szilárd Újhelyi
  • Production Company: Mafilm - Hungary