“The title SAPOVNELA means ‘a flower that nobody can find’. We are presented the film without a translation (the censors imposed the text on us back on us, but the film got banned all the same – due to the ending). It was my first attempt: I wanted to link up music and colour. It’s also a tale of Mikhail Mamulashvili, an elderly horticulturalist who created wonderful compositions with the plants in his small garden.”
“The title SAPOVNELA means ‘a flower that nobody can find’. We are presented the film without a translation (the censors imposed the text on us back on us, but the film got banned all the same – due to the ending). It was my first attempt: I wanted to link up music and colour. It’s also a tale of Mikhail Mamulashvili, an elderly horticulturalist who created wonderful compositions with the plants in his small garden.”