Androgynous teenager Ainur has to deal with insults at school after she gets a very short haircut. Her "masculine" side emerges as she actively defends herself, the way her Russian dad taught her. Her dad no longer lives with the family, and her mother is expecting a child from a Kazakh drunkard. So it is that Ainur doesn't feel at home, not in her actual surroundings and not in a single gender either. This coming-of-age story takes an unexpected turn when Ainur's best friend decides to explore an alternative sexuality inside her.
- Screenplay: Eugénie Zvonkine, Abai Kulbai
- Cinematographer: Alexander Kostylev
- Editor: Aizhan Bisibinova
- Music: Sergei Pogoreltsev
- Sound: Aliya Myrzasheva
- Cast: Inessa Kislova, Bakhytzhan Alpeisov, Anar Kakenova, Merlen Kaldybalin, Lyazzat Aidarova, Maxim Pupisov
- Producer: Sergey D. Azimov
- Production Company: Kazakhfilm Studios
Androgynous teenager Ainur has to deal with insults at school after she gets a very short haircut. Her "masculine" side emerges as she actively defends herself, the way her Russian dad taught her. Her dad no longer lives with the family, and her mother is expecting a child from a Kazakh drunkard. So it is that Ainur doesn't feel at home, not in her actual surroundings and not in a single gender either. This coming-of-age story takes an unexpected turn when Ainur's best friend decides to explore an alternative sexuality inside her.
- Screenplay: Eugénie Zvonkine, Abai Kulbai
- Cinematographer: Alexander Kostylev
- Editor: Aizhan Bisibinova
- Music: Sergei Pogoreltsev
- Sound: Aliya Myrzasheva
- Cast: Inessa Kislova, Bakhytzhan Alpeisov, Anar Kakenova, Merlen Kaldybalin, Lyazzat Aidarova, Maxim Pupisov
- Producer: Sergey D. Azimov
- Production Company: Kazakhfilm Studios