POSLEDNJA POSTAJA is a dark drama about fading socialist ideals that unfolds in the everyday life of the protagonist Tone. A veteran partisan who believed in the coming communist society, he encounters many setbacks in the post-war era. He has remained a communal worker, taking care of Yugoslav flags, and is left behind by his wife and daughter. When he tries to apply for new flat his luck seems to abandon him completely. He is forced into a decision that will either save him or be his downfall.
POSLEDNJA POSTAJA is a dark drama about fading socialist ideals that unfolds in the everyday life of the protagonist Tone. A veteran partisan who believed in the coming communist society, he encounters many setbacks in the post-war era. He has remained a communal worker, taking care of Yugoslav flags, and is left behind by his wife and daughter. When he tries to apply for new flat his luck seems to abandon him completely. He is forced into a decision that will either save him or be his downfall.