For some it’s garbage, for others a good gaining worth every mile driven towards the East: Just before the annual removal of bulky refuse dozens of old Polish vans cue in the streets of the villages around Mainz, Germany. Drivers skim through piles of garbage to find whatever can be sold back home. Piotr and Jan are in this business for 15 years. The film accompanies an old tricycle, a sofa and other items from the streets of the German villages via Piotr’s van to his second hand shop in Poland and to the final new owner. Thereby it tells a story about Europeans in recent times, not only struggling with the gap between poverty and richness but also with the still existent established prejudices.
POL, DEU 2010 / 92 min
Director: Katja Schupp,Hartmut Seifert
Screenplay: Katja Schupp,Alicja Schatton
Cinematographer: Hartmut Seifert
Producer: Alicja Schatton,Wolfgang Bergmann
Production Company: VIDIFILM - Poland,Lichtfilm - Germany
World Sales: Lichtfilm - Germany
Rights Holder: VIDIFILM - Poland
For some it’s garbage, for others a good gaining worth every mile driven towards the East: Just before the annual removal of bulky refuse dozens of old Polish vans cue in the streets of the villages around Mainz, Germany. Drivers skim through piles of garbage to find whatever can be sold back home. Piotr and Jan are in this business for 15 years. The film accompanies an old tricycle, a sofa and other items from the streets of the German villages via Piotr’s van to his second hand shop in Poland and to the final new owner. Thereby it tells a story about Europeans in recent times, not only struggling with the gap between poverty and richness but also with the still existent established prejudices.
Screenplay: Katja Schupp,Alicja Schatton
Cinematographer: Hartmut Seifert
Producer: Alicja Schatton,Wolfgang Bergmann
Production Company: VIDIFILM - Poland,Lichtfilm - Germany