
Germany in the era of the economy crisis, at the end of the Twenties and the start of the Thirties of the 20th century. The social misery of the unemployed and the strikers who desperately fight for living conditions in line with human dignity. Margarita Barskaja, one of the first international feature film directors, does not tell a story in the traditional style, but unfolds a kaleidoscope of typical situations. Instead of individual heroes, mostly children between three and 13 act. The need and increasing social conflicts are shown through their eyes. Scared children from lower middle-class backgrounds are confronted with proletarian, aggressive contemporaries from proletarian families, and there are disputes with children already wearing the swastika-armband.
Rvannye Bašmaki / Zerrissene Stiefel
USSR 1933 / 88 min
Director: Margarita Barskaja
  • Screenplay: Margarita Barskaja
  • Cinematographer: Georgij Bobrov,Sarkis Gevorkjan
  • Music: Vissarion Šebalin
  • Cast: Michail Klimov,Ivan Novoselcev,Klavdija Polovikova,Vladimir Uralskij,Antonina Čekulaeva,V. Aljochina
  • Production Company: Mežrabpomfilm - Moskau
Germany in the era of the economy crisis, at the end of the Twenties and the start of the Thirties of the 20th century. The social misery of the unemployed and the strikers who desperately fight for living conditions in line with human dignity. Margarita Barskaja, one of the first international feature film directors, does not tell a story in the traditional style, but unfolds a kaleidoscope of typical situations. Instead of individual heroes, mostly children between three and 13 act. The need and increasing social conflicts are shown through their eyes. Scared children from lower middle-class backgrounds are confronted with proletarian, aggressive contemporaries from proletarian families, and there are disputes with children already wearing the swastika-armband.
  • Screenplay: Margarita Barskaja
  • Cinematographer: Georgij Bobrov,Sarkis Gevorkjan
  • Music: Vissarion Šebalin
  • Cast: Michail Klimov,Ivan Novoselcev,Klavdija Polovikova,Vladimir Uralskij,Antonina Čekulaeva,V. Aljochina
  • Production Company: Mežrabpomfilm - Moskau