
“Those who look closely at the mountains can see them undulate like the waves of the sea.” This mystical quote from the Vedic Scriptures of ancient India is the motto of an experimental short in which Benedek Fliegauf looks for modern manifestations of ecstasy and disinhibition. A young generation experiences such states on occasions like the Sziget-Fesztivál, the Love Parade, or at raves. Fliegauf captures the experience of trance in rhythmically pulsating slow-motion images.
HUN 2005 / 14 min
Director: Benedek Fliegauf
  • Screenplay: Katalin Mészáros
  • Cinematographer: Zoltán Lovasi
  • Producer: András Muhi
  • Production Company: Inforg Stúdió - Budapest
“Those who look closely at the mountains can see them undulate like the waves of the sea.” This mystical quote from the Vedic Scriptures of ancient India is the motto of an experimental short in which Benedek Fliegauf looks for modern manifestations of ecstasy and disinhibition. A young generation experiences such states on occasions like the Sziget-Fesztivál, the Love Parade, or at raves. Fliegauf captures the experience of trance in rhythmically pulsating slow-motion images.
  • Screenplay: Katalin Mészáros
  • Cinematographer: Zoltán Lovasi
  • Producer: András Muhi
  • Production Company: Inforg Stúdió - Budapest