
The story of a strange hunting-trip. In a remote, rather poor part of Czechia, a family arrives from Western Europe in their luxury-cars: The brothers Richard and Vilem Czadsky with their wives, as well as their cousins Max and Leo. They want to take a look at a sprawling country-home that still belongs to their family but has fallen in disrepair. They have tofigure out what to do with it. Their late father’s butler Willmer takes care of their needs, and soon the old, aristocratic atmosphere of days past has returned. One of the old traditions is the hunt for man-like beings called “skeletons” – only a few of them have survived in the mountains. According to the diary of one of their ancestors, one is only allowed to hunt them with old weapons passed along by other generations and according to strict rules. VATERLAND is a film clearly in the tradition of surrealist cinema, with Eastern European role-models like Jan Švankmajer or Pavel Juráèek and Western European archetypes like Luis Buñuel. The bizarre slides more and more into the foreground, like in the scene where the men capture a couple and measure it. VATERLAND mixes elements of the fantasy and crime-genres into a thriller that poses the questions: How do we deal with our past? And how do we deal with things strange to us?
Vaterland - lovecký deník / Vaterland - Tagebuch einer Jagd
CZE 2004 / 94 min
Director: David Jařab
  • Screenplay: David Jařab
  • Cinematographer: Marek Jícha a.č.k.
  • Editor: Jan Daňhel
  • Music: Petr Haas,Jan Ponocný,Roman Zach
  • Cast: Karel Roden,František Řehák,Petr Forman,Vasil Fridrich,Dana Poláková
  • Producer: Viktor Schwarcz
  • Production Company: Cineart TV Prague
  • Rights Holder: Cineart TV Prague
The story of a strange hunting-trip. In a remote, rather poor part of Czechia, a family arrives from Western Europe in their luxury-cars: The brothers Richard and Vilem Czadsky with their wives, as well as their cousins Max and Leo. They want to take a look at a sprawling country-home that still belongs to their family but has fallen in disrepair. They have tofigure out what to do with it. Their late father’s butler Willmer takes care of their needs, and soon the old, aristocratic atmosphere of days past has returned. One of the old traditions is the hunt for man-like beings called “skeletons” – only a few of them have survived in the mountains. According to the diary of one of their ancestors, one is only allowed to hunt them with old weapons passed along by other generations and according to strict rules. VATERLAND is a film clearly in the tradition of surrealist cinema, with Eastern European role-models like Jan Švankmajer or Pavel Juráèek and Western European archetypes like Luis Buñuel. The bizarre slides more and more into the foreground, like in the scene where the men capture a couple and measure it. VATERLAND mixes elements of the fantasy and crime-genres into a thriller that poses the questions: How do we deal with our past? And how do we deal with things strange to us?
  • Screenplay: David Jařab
  • Cinematographer: Marek Jícha a.č.k.
  • Editor: Jan Daňhel
  • Music: Petr Haas,Jan Ponocný,Roman Zach
  • Cast: Karel Roden,František Řehák,Petr Forman,Vasil Fridrich,Dana Poláková
  • Producer: Viktor Schwarcz
  • Production Company: Cineart TV Prague
  • Rights Holder: Cineart TV Prague