
The young prosecutor Cristian, bursting with idealism, is unexpectedly assigned to a sensitive case: an older colleague with considerable political connections is faced with accusations of corruption. In the course of his investigation, Cristian uncovers a complex web of intrigue, blackmail and lies. Pressured by his superior, he brings the case to trial although he lacks enough evidence to convict, causing him to be taken off the case. Undaunted he continues to investigate on his own. The deeper Cristian dives into this shadowy business, the more dangerous his situation becomes. In the guise of a political thriller with restrained acting, the film, based on real events, delivers a pessimistic commentary on Romania’s status quo, where corruption and organised crime rule all the way up into the highest political circles. Giurgiu shows a country that has been stuck in a state of limbo between unbridled neoliberalism and the dubious legacy of corruption inherited from the Ceauşescu era ever since the fall of the communist regime in 1989. Whoever wants to climb the career ladder in post-communist Romania has to adapt to circumstances – those who show civil courage are threatened with repression and persecution.

ROU, BGR, HUN 2015 / 130 min / OV + eng SUB
Language: Romanian
Director: Tudor Giurgiu
  • Screenplay: Loredana Novak,Tudor Giurgiu
  • Cinematographer: Marius Panduru
  • Editor: Lemhényi Réka
  • Music: Viktor Chouchkov
  • Sound: Florin Tabacaru,Dumitru Alexandru,Liviu Lupsa
  • Cast: Emilian Oprea,Mihai Constantin,Andreea Vasile,Dan Condurache,Liviu Pintileasa
  • Producer: Oana Giurgiu

The young prosecutor Cristian, bursting with idealism, is unexpectedly assigned to a sensitive case: an older colleague with considerable political connections is faced with accusations of corruption. In the course of his investigation, Cristian uncovers a complex web of intrigue, blackmail and lies. Pressured by his superior, he brings the case to trial although he lacks enough evidence to convict, causing him to be taken off the case. Undaunted he continues to investigate on his own. The deeper Cristian dives into this shadowy business, the more dangerous his situation becomes. In the guise of a political thriller with restrained acting, the film, based on real events, delivers a pessimistic commentary on Romania’s status quo, where corruption and organised crime rule all the way up into the highest political circles. Giurgiu shows a country that has been stuck in a state of limbo between unbridled neoliberalism and the dubious legacy of corruption inherited from the Ceauşescu era ever since the fall of the communist regime in 1989. Whoever wants to climb the career ladder in post-communist Romania has to adapt to circumstances – those who show civil courage are threatened with repression and persecution.

  • Screenplay: Loredana Novak,Tudor Giurgiu
  • Cinematographer: Marius Panduru
  • Editor: Lemhényi Réka
  • Music: Viktor Chouchkov
  • Sound: Florin Tabacaru,Dumitru Alexandru,Liviu Lupsa
  • Cast: Emilian Oprea,Mihai Constantin,Andreea Vasile,Dan Condurache,Liviu Pintileasa
  • Producer: Oana Giurgiu