According to its author Ludwig Wittgenstein, the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus contains the solutions to all philosophical problems. With his essayistic film adaptation of the linguistic philosophy materials, Peter Forgács casts doubt on this grand claim. In his expressionist montage of the mundane and fragments of analytical philosophy, of quotidian scenes and suggestive voice-overs, the director poses questions about the ontology of film, about the relationship between film and reality, questions that cannot be answered so easily.
- Editor: Márta Révész
- Music: Tibor Szemzö
- Sound: Katalin Gulyás
- Producer: Gyula Kovács
According to its author Ludwig Wittgenstein, the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus contains the solutions to all philosophical problems. With his essayistic film adaptation of the linguistic philosophy materials, Peter Forgács casts doubt on this grand claim. In his expressionist montage of the mundane and fragments of analytical philosophy, of quotidian scenes and suggestive voice-overs, the director poses questions about the ontology of film, about the relationship between film and reality, questions that cannot be answered so easily.
- Editor: Márta Révész
- Music: Tibor Szemzö
- Sound: Katalin Gulyás
- Producer: Gyula Kovács