Groups of trees, gently rolling meadows, covered in fog, seemingly deserted, like in a beautiful landscape painting. What follows is a test arrangement that symbolically stages human intervention in the landscape. Pyrotechnic effects produce a thick, white smoke that slowly engulfs the entire picture space: a monochrome surface, which lies like a second screen between the gaze and the reproduction. As the contours of the trees peel from the fog again, several layers of association have been laid over the wafting white.
AUT, CZE 2015 / 13 min
Language: German
Director: Lukas Marxt,Jakub Vrba
Cinematographer: Lucas Marxt,Jakub Vrba
Editor: Likas Marxt,Jakub Vrba
Production Company: Likas Marxt,Jakub Vrba
Groups of trees, gently rolling meadows, covered in fog, seemingly deserted, like in a beautiful landscape painting. What follows is a test arrangement that symbolically stages human intervention in the landscape. Pyrotechnic effects produce a thick, white smoke that slowly engulfs the entire picture space: a monochrome surface, which lies like a second screen between the gaze and the reproduction. As the contours of the trees peel from the fog again, several layers of association have been laid over the wafting white.