Visiting information 2025

The festival center in 2025 will be the Alte Gericht in Wiesbaden (Gerichtsstraße 2).

Tickets & Venues


The presale for the 25th edition of goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Film from April 23 to 29, 2025, starts in April 2025. Further information will follow in March 2025.
Tickets can be purchased on the website by clicking on the individual films via the film search, or by calling up the menu item Cinema Archipelago.

Presale booking offices are:

Tourist Information Wiesbaden
Marktplatz 1, 65183 Wiesbaden
Tel.: 0611 / 172 99 30
(plus presale fees)

Caligari FilmBühne, Wiesbaden
Marktplatz 9, 65183 Wiesbaden
Tel.: 0611/ 315050 (during box office opening hours, also the entire festival week)



Information on the 2025 online offer will be available from March 2025

Click here to go to the On Demand page.


Further Ticket Information

Reduced prices
Tickets for reduced prices are available upon showing a certificate from pupils, students, for the severely disabled, apprentices, welfare recipients, refugees and senior citizens.

stadtmobil Promotion
Customers of car sharing service by stadtmobil Rhein-Main are granted free admission upon presentation of their customer’s card at the box office, sold-out events are excluded.

Stadt Eschborn
Residents of the city of Eschborn receive a free ticket at the box office on presentation of their identity card or valid registration certificate. Does not apply to advance sales and sold-out screenings.


Venues in Wiesbaden 2025

Festival Center Altes Gericht Wiesbaden
Gerichtsstraße 2
65185 Wiesbaden

Caligari FilmBühne
Marktplatz 9
65183 Wiesbaden

Murnaustraße 6
65189 Wiesbaden

Moritzstraße 6
65185 Wiesbaden

Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
Murnaustraße 1
65189 Wiesbaden

C/O* Bar (Festival Hang-out):
15% discount on drinks for people with an Accreditation
Moritzstraße 52
Ph.: +49 0611 3602912
Fri & Sat 5:00 PM – 2:00 AM
Mon-Sun 5:00 PM – 1:00 AM

Other Venues

Programmkino rex
Wilhelminenstraße 9
64283 Darmstadt

Kinocenter Gießen
Bahnhofstraße 34
35390 Gießen


In 2021, goEast began to make the catalogues and Symposium essays from past festival editions available for free online. The CEEOL GmbH, the operator of the Central and Eastern European Online Library, based in Frankfurt, has been supporting the festival in these efforts.
CEEOL provides both institutional and individual access to periodicals, eBooks and grey literature in the area of the social sciences and humanities from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, making the data bank a trusted partner for years for academics, students and teachers specialising in Eastern European subject matter. The goEast catalogue texts from the festival years 2001-2022 have now been incorporated here and can be read in their entirety at

You can browse through last year’s catalog here:

FAQ – General information

Where does the festival take place?

The main location of the festival is Wiesbaden. Here we are screening in three cinema: the Caligari FilmBühne, the Apollo Kinocenter and the Murnau Filmtheater. In addition, the supporting events all take place in Wiesbaden.

How can I volunteer at goEast?

For the festival we are looking for volunteers to support us during the festival in various taks. More information can be found at

Where can I follow the activities of the festival?

Subscribe to our goEast newsletter to stay up to date. Also, our activities can be followed on all social media networks under goeastff.

Where can I find the privacy policy?

Our privacy policy as well as information about handling sensitive (personal) data can be found here.

FAQ – Accreditation 2025


Filmmakers, representatives from the media, film, cinema and festival industries (Professional), press representatives (Press), and students of Slavic, Central and Eastern European Studies, Film and Media Studies, as well as Queer and Gender Studies (Student) can apply for an accreditation.  

Press representatives must upload their press card or credentials when requesting a press accreditation.  

Students must upload a confirmation of enrollment valid during the entire festival week (April 23rd – 29th).


An accreditation allows you to attend any film screening in Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, Mainz, Darmstadt and Giessen and many other events of our side program in Wiesbaden without additional costs. The only requirement is that the event is not sold out. Furthermore, only an accreditation offers access to the goEast online media library, where a selection of the film program can be accessed from home during the festival week. 


The request for an accreditation is possible from February 26th. 

As the request is made via your Eventival account, it is necessary to create one before submitting your request. 

Once you’ve got your Eventival account, log in and request your accreditation badge here. 

Alternatively, follow these instructions after your log-in: Starting on your dashboard, click on the pink ‘Request accreditation’ button.  

Subsequently, you will be redirected to the accreditation page. Now, select your desired type of accreditation and follow the instructions on the screen. Upon receiving your request, the goEast team will review it and provide you with a response of the non-/approval of your accreditation as quickly as possible. Please note that this is not an automated process and that our response may take a few days. 


Eventival is a well-known company that specialises in providing solutions for the events sector and has been active in the industry for many years. The platform is used by a large number of festivals and cultural events worldwide and has established a reputation as a trusted partner and reliable service provider for the accreditation and registration of festival participants. The security and protection of users’ personal data is at the centre of Eventival’s focus and the company is committed to complying with all applicable data protection regulations. However, if you have any questions regarding the handling of your data, please do not hesitate to contact the goEast team.


25 € STUDENT (30 € from April 1st) 
35 € PRESS (or free of charge if you are reporting on the festival)

* * *

To support the festival, you have the option of paying a higher amount voluntarily.


You can pay for your accreditation badge via PayPal after your accreditation request has been approved. Alternatively, you can also pay cashless on-site when picking up your accreditation badge at our Info Counter. 


During the festival week, please pick up your festival badge at the Info Counter or the Press Counter in the Festival Centre:

Altes Gericht
Gerichtsstraße 2
65185 Wiesbaden

Opening hours:

Thursday, April 24th to Monday, April 28th from 10 am to 6 pm

Tuesday, April 29th from 10 am to 2 pm

On the day of the opening (Wed, April 23rd), accreditations can be collected at Caligari FilmBühne (Marktplatz 9, 65183 Wiesbaden) if you register your collection by April 18th by e-mail to     


Unfortunately: no.


Please let us know by April 17th so that we can keep our administrative effort to a minimum. 


The goEast team is available to answer your questions via email ( or by phone (+49 611.236 843 21).

FAQ – Tickets 2025

What are the ticket categories of goEast?

Single ticket                  9 € / reduced 8 €
Day ticket                    25 € / reduced 20 €
5films-ticket (non-transferable)             36 € / reduced 32 €
Festival ticket                                              70 € / reduced 55 €

What is the difference between an accreditation and a multiple-day festival ticket?

With an accreditation, all films and events can be attended at no additional cost as long as they are not sold out, with the exception of the specials. An accreditation provides access to the Online Media Library. Accreditations are granted to professionals from the film, festival and cultural industries, representatives of the press and students of Slavic languages/literarure, Central and Eastern European Studies, queer/gender studies as well as from the field of film and media. With a multiple-day festival ticket all screenings can be attended with no additional costs. The supporting program and the access to the Online Media Library are not included. Multiple day festival tickets are available for everyone.

When and where does the presale start?

Presales for film tickets and individual events will start on 05.04.2024 online ( and at two presale booking offices in Wiesbaden. During the festival week, tickets can be purchased online, at all venues and at the festival center in Museum Wiesbaden. You can find more detailed information about the presale here.

Can I buy tickets at the cinema box office?

Yes, tickets – if still available – can also be purchased at the box office of the festival venues.

FAQ – Program 2024

When will the program of this year’s edition be published?

The program for this year’s festival will be published on April 05th on our website.

Where can I find all the information about the program?

The festival program can be found on our website from 05.04.2024. Furthermore, all information can be found in the program booklet. Information about the film program can be found from the same date on our website under Film Search. Information about other events, short film, programs under Events and Cinema Archipelago.

How much does a single film ticket cost?

Single ticket 9 € / reduced 8 €

What are the other programme points besides films?

In addition to the films, goEast will stage the exhibition “Political Textile” by Ton Melnyk and Masha Ravlyk (Murnau Filmtheater). Panels will be hosted (Symposium, East-West Talent Lab, Yugoretten) as well as performances (Symposium, Yugoretten). There will be a master class (“Million Moments” Murnau Filmtheater), we will organize film talks (directly after the films in competition (Caligari FilmBühne and Apollo)) and parties (various locations). The festival Sunday is dedicated to Human Rights this year with a film programme and a panel.

Which programme points are available online?

Individual films will be available for online rental after the festival week from 01.05. to 08.05.:

FAQ – Online Library & FILMWERTE 2025

What is the Online Media Library and how can I access it?

The Online Media Library is a service for accredited professionals, press and students. During the festival week, a selection of films will be offered here online. Access to the Online Media Library will be available via your Eventival account. Immediately before the festival week, detailed instructions on how to use the Online Media Library as well as the access data will be sent by e-mail. In 2025, around 65% of films will be available in the online media library.

Who has access to the Online Media Library and are there other possibilities to watch films online?

Only an accreditation for professionals, press or students allows access to the Online Media Library. If you are not entitled to an accreditation, you can rent single films between 01.05. and 08.05 for 7€ per film on

Is the Online Media Library only accessible within Germany?

The Online Media Library is accessible both in Germany and abroad. Individual rent of a film, on the other hand, is only possible within Germany.

What devices can I use to watch the films in the Online Media Library?

The following devices can be used for the Online Media Library: Smartphone, tablet, laptop, PC. Too small screens are not recommended for an optimal viewing experience.

Can I watch the same film more than once?

Within the Online Media Library, the viewing of the films is unlimited during the festival week. With the renting of a film, said film is available for watching for 24h.

Can I stream films in the Online Media Library at all times?

Yes, from 10:00 p.m. on 23.04.2024 till 11:59 p.m. on 29.04.2024.

FAQ – Supporting program: Cinema Archipelago 2024

What is Cinema Archipelago?

Cinema Archipelago is an interdisciplinary sidebar programme supported by Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheineMain, that has been running since 2022 and is being held under the motto UN:RECOGNIZED this year. The program includes the Symposium, the RhineMain Short Film Competition, Kosovo and Albania in Focus, the Rhine Cruise (RHINE, WINE & RHYMEZ) on 27. April, and the return of the Yugoretten.

To which program points of the Cinema Archipelago does an accreditation allow me access?

With an accreditation you will have access to the films of the Symposium, the Kosovo Albania focus, the Yugoretten program as well as the RhineMain Short Film Competition. An additional charge applies to the boat trip with lectures, even for accredited professionals.

Which program points of the supporting program Cinema Archipelago are fee required (also with accreditation)?

Single film ticket in the different sections               9 € / reduced 8 €
RheinMain short film price                                         9 € / reduced 8 €
Symposium Lectures & Panels                                                        Admission free
Exhibitions Admission free   Yugoretten Panels                         Admission free

FAQ – Symposium 2025

Can I get accreditated for the symposium?

Yes, with an accreditation you can attend all lectures and panels as well as film screenings, as long as they are not sold out. Accreditations are only granted to film industry professionals, members of the press and teachers as well as students of Slavic, Central and Eastern European Studies, Film and Media Studies, as well as Queer and Gender Studies.

How much do individual events of the symposium cost?

Admission for lectures and panels is free of charge. For the film screenings, admission costs 9 € / reduced 8 €.